Legal ownership rests with the trustee, and equitable ownership rests with the beneficiary. 受托人享有普通法上的所有权,受益人享有衡平法上的所有权。
Out of the beneficiary's equitable rights came the concept of equitable, as distinguished from legal, ownership. 随着受益人衡平法上的权利而来的是作为于普通法相区分的衡平法上的所有权。
In this paper, the author tries to interpret the formation of the concept of equitable ownership under the history of the Equity. 本文希图将衡平法所有权观念之形成,置于衡平法兴起、发达的历史中去诠释。
This paper holds that the concept of fragmentation of ownership was applied in the parallel judicial system, as a result, the equitable ownership was born. 本文认为,衡平法所有权的形成,是所有权分离观念在普通法与衡平法并行的二元司法体系中具体运用的结果。
Equitable land ownership is an important field for achieving social justice, especially imperial in solving land venture, and land price rising suddenly and sharply, and actualizing Home Ownership Scheme. 地权分配公正是实现社会公正的重要领域,直接影响着和谐社会公正目标的实现。在解决城镇土地投机和地价暴涨、实现居者有其屋等问题中更显土地公正的迫切。
Through the comparison of two legal systems, the author tries to interpret the nature of equitable ownership. 至于衡平法所有权之内涵,则是通过对两大法系的比较研究进行解读的。